3101 Oak Lawn Dr.
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 424.4378
Did you know?

All types of homes can have radon problems. Radon is responsible for 21,000 lung cancer deaths a year, 2,900 of those among people who have never smoked.

Mid Missouri Radon Solutions, Columbia, MO - Test your home for radon

Homes should be tested to check the indoor radon level. If the gas levels are above the recommended amount, a system to extract the radon can be put into an already standing home.

Mid-Missouri Radon Solutions is able to put a vent in and leave few traces of having ever been there. Installation of a system can be done in just one day, so there's no messy construction for you to live around. They take care of the installation in each home as if it were their own home, so it's going to not only work properly, but look right as well.

About Radon
Mid Missouri Radon Solutions, Columbia, MO - Radon risks your health
In 2005 the Surgeon General of the United Stated issued a Health Advisory warning Americans of the health risk from exposure to radon in indoor air.

Radon is a tasteless, odorless, colorless gas that naturally forms due to the decay of uranium in soil, rock and groundwater. Radon seeps into indoor air through soil under houses. Most radon is expelled when lungs exhale, but these decayed products can settle deep into the lungs quite easily.

Because of this radon poses a great health risk. The World Health Organization (WHO) says radon causes up to 15 percent of lung cancer worldwide. Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, and the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.

Radon is responsible for 21,000 lung cancer deaths a year, 2,900 of those among people who have never smoked.

Building a home?
If you are building a new home for yourself or someone else, consider having a Radon Ready New Construction system installed. This system is built along with the house so it's scarcely noticeable. Once the house is complete it can be tested for radon and if necessary a fan can be added to the system to take care of excess radon. Not only is this less obtrusive, but more affordable in the long run!